Rid yourself of unwanted sunspots!

What are sunspots? Sunspots are a common skin problem, however they are not dangerous to the skin. Sunspots can be darker or lighter than your normal skin tone and can occur in different shapes and colours. They usually occur on areas of the skin that get regularly exposed to sun, and particularly appear on your face, ears, neck, arms, shoulders and back of your hands. They might look like raised warts and cause slight itching. They may also look like scaly or rough skin lesions and sometimes they can be flat and even.
Freckles and Sunspots may look similar, but are actually two different things. Sunspots are normally harmless and can occur at any age and are caused by over exposure to the sun. Freckles on the other hand are tiny brownish spots on the skin that occur in case of those people who have fair complexion and usually occur on the face.
Causes of skin sunspots: Sunspots are caused by direct, prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays or from artificial sources of ultraviolet rays, like a tanning bed.  People with lighter skin are more likely to get sunspots. Some people have sun allergies, whereby sunspots can occur even after very short exposure to the sun. In some cases, certain people’s body produce an increased amount of melanin, which is responsible for developing darker areas on their skin. Another factor responsible for sunspots is sunburn.
How to get rid of sunspots:
1/ Exfoliation or peeling rids the skin of damaged cells and allows it to absorb moisture and nutrition more readily. Regular exfoliation of the skin’s top layer has also shown in many studies to stimulate production of new collagen in the deeper dermis layers as it increases thus helping to improve the signs of photoageing. 
2/ To boost your protection level and repair, choose a serum and moisturiser with a strong antioxidant, repairing extract and natural whitening ingredient. Using serums and moisturisers that include these types of active ingredients will help brighten, lighten and hydrate pigmented skin. 
1/ Applying at least SPF15 sunscreen every day ensures your skin is protected from harmful UVA and UVB rays.  If you use sunscreen with an SPF15, apply another application sunscreen regularly (every 2 hours) when the sunrays are at the most strongest, between 10 am and 4 pm.